

印刷电子使生活变得更简单、更灵活、更具成本效益,这也是印刷电子越来越多地应用于各行各业的原因。印刷电子有多种生产模式,它们可以完全通过印刷或混合系统生产,也可以卷对卷印刷或薄片印刷。新产品和新应用层出不穷,不断发展。贺利氏电子化学材料的导电聚合物 CleviosTM 是一种多功能材料,可用于新的工业领域和应用。


CleviosTM 具有高导电性、灵活性和可加工性,可在纸张、塑料和纺织品等各种基材上进行印刷,是印刷电子的理想材料。我们的产品还具有可持续发展性、使用方便且安全。

CleviosTM 的柔韧性和机械特性使其非常适合生产柔性和可拉伸电子产品。这些材料可以适应弯曲表面,经受反复的弯曲和拉伸,而不会失去导电性。

CleviosTM 与基于溶液的印刷方法(如喷墨印刷或丝网印刷)高度兼容。这样就能精确控制聚合物在基底上的沉积,从而创造出复杂的图案和电路设计。

CleviosTM 还具有可调导电性的优势。它的导电性可以根据印刷电子设备的特定要求进行调整。这种多功能性使其适用于从简单的电子电路到复杂的传感器和显示器等各种应用。

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22 个搜索结果

Product Description
Sheet Resistance Range
Printing or Coating Method
Clevios™ C-WSolution in water, brownish liquid OxidizerNot ApplicableNot ApplicablePolymer Tantalum Capacitors
Clevios™ F 010Formulation for static dissipative coatings; Coating formulation, aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation1000 - 10.000 Ohm/sqSpin Coating, Wirebare Coating, Slot-die Coating, Spray Coating, Dip Coating, R2R CoatingAntistatic/ESD Protection, Antistatic Coated Films
Clevios™ F 020Formulation for stabilized conductive coatings Coating formulation, aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation100 - 1000 Ohm/sqSpin Coating, Wirebare Coating, Slot-die Coating, Spray Coating, Dip Coating, R2R Coating LCD, LC Writing Boards, Smart Windows, Touch Displays
Clevios™ F 100TAqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidDispersion100 - 1000 Ohm/sqLCD, LC Writing Boards, Smart Windows, Touch Displays
Clevios™ F ASFormulation for conductive and static dissipative coatings; Coating formulation, aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation10E4 - 10E6 Ohm/sqWirebare Coating, Slot-die CoatingAntistatic/ESD Protection, Antistatic Coated Films, Antistatic Packaging Trays
Clevios™ F AS8Formulation for antistatic and static dissipative coatings; Coating formulation, aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation10E4 - 10E6 Ohm/sq, > 10E6 Ohm/sqSpin Coating, Wirebare Coating, Slot-die CoatingAntistatic/ESD Protection, Antistatic Coated Films
Clevios™ F ETCoating formulation, aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation100 - 1000 Ohm/sqSpin Coating, Wirebare Coating, Slot-die Coating, Spray Coating, Dip Coating, R2R CoatingElectrochromic Displays/Indicators
Clevios™ F HC SolarAqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation100 - 1000 Ohm/sqSpin Coating, Wirebare Coating, Slot-die CoatingOrganic Photovoltaics (OPV), Organic Photodetector (OPD)
Clevios™ HIL 8PEDOT-complex, dispersion in butylbenzoat, blue liquidFormulation> 10E6 Ohm/sqInkjet PrintingOLED Lighting, OLED / QLED Displays
Clevios™ HIL JET 8PEDOT-complex, dispersion in butylbenzoat, blue liquidFormulation> 10E6 Ohm/sqInkjet PrintingOLED Lighting, OLED / QLED Displays
Clevios™ HTL SolarAqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation10E4 - 10E6 Ohm/sq, > 10E6 Ohm/sqSpin Coating, Wirebare Coating, Slot-die CoatingOrganic Photovoltaics (OPV), Organic Photodetector (OPD)
Clevios™ M V23,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene, C6H6O2S , Yellow liquidMonomerNot ApplicableNot ApplicablePolymer Aluminum Stack-Type Capacitors, Polymer Tantalum Capacitors, Polymer Aluminum Winding Capacitors
Clevios™ P Jet (OLED)PEDOT:PSS; Aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation> 10E6 Ohm/sqSpin Coating, Wirebare Coating, Inkjet PrintingOLED Lighting, OLED / QLED Displays
Clevios™ P SB6PEDOT-complex, dispersion in a mixture of anisol and butlyacetate, blue liquidDispersion> 10E6 Ohm/sqAntistatic/ESD , Antistatic Coated Films, Antistatic Hardcoats, Antistatic Adhesives
Clevios™ P T2Dispersion for static dissipative and conductive formulations Aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidDispersion100 - 1000 Ohm/sq, 1000 - 10.000 Ohm/sq, 10E4 - 10E6 Ohm/sq, > 10E6 Ohm/sqAntistatic/ESD Protection, Antistatic Coated Films, Antistatic Packaging Trays
Clevios™ P T4Aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidDispersion100 - 1000 Ohm/sq, 1000 - 10.000 Ohm/sq, 10E4 - 10E6 Ohm/sq, > 10E6 Ohm/sqLC Writing Boards, Touch Displays, Antistatic Packaging Trays
Clevios™ P VP Al 4083Aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidFormulation> 10E6 Ohm/sqSpin CoatingOLED Lighting, OLED / QLED Displays, Organic Photovoltaics (OPV), Organic Photodetector (OPD),
Clevios™ PH 1000Aqueous PEDOT / PSS dispersion, blue liquidDispersion100 - 1000 Ohm/sqElectroluminescence (EL) Lighting, LCD, LC Writing Boards, Smart Windows, Touch Displays, Organic Photovoltaics (OPV), Pressure Sensors, Wearables,
Clevios™ S V3Standard paste; PEDOT / PSS dispersion in glycols, blue paste for screen-printingFormulation100 - 1000 Ohm/sqScreen PrintingElectroluminescence (EL) Lighting, Electrochromic Displays/Indicators, Pressure Sensors, Wearables
Clevios™ S V3 STABS V3 with improved environmental stability; PEDOT / PSS dispersion in glycols, blue paste for screen-printing, stabilizedFormulation100 - 1000 Ohm/sqScreen PrintingElectroluminescence (EL) Lighting, Electrochromic Displays/Indicators, Pressure Sensors, Wearables, Printed Touch Sensor/Switch, 3D Conformal Touch Surfaces, Organic Photodetector (OPD), Organic Photovoltaics (OPV), Printed Electronics